August 2024

The Badlands

Good advice. It was 104 degrees the day we hiked.!
Our first trail. Notch Trail.
Zoom in on the top of the rock. They are everywhere!
Mary is asking me if i’m sure this is the way??
I’m looking back at Mary like I know where we are going.
This is the Notch Trail ladder. Mary did not want to do this so I soloed. Her new knee would not like this at all!
This is a view looking down where Mary and another lady with a new knee are visiting.
Mary from another view.
The path back to the ladder down. Of course the is another way down!
Mary did do these steps. I’m not sure it was any better for her knee than the ladder but, it was safer!
One of the very few shady areas in The Badlands.

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Rapid City, SD – 7/30-8/6

Our home in Rapid City. HTR Black Hills Resort
Sturgis, SD. So, I booked our time in Rapid City the beginning of this year. I did not think about Sturgis and bike week. Not a real good time to be in the area. I was told around 500,000 people show up for bike week!! Way too may people for me but, it was still a good area for site-seeing.
The day before the opening parade. I won’t be anywhere near here for the parade.
There was a really cool motorcycle museum in Sturgis. Lots of old Harleys and many other brands. I saw this one and remembered how much I wanted one in 1974! I told Mary “you know you are old when you have ridden several motorcycles that are in museums now!”
My father had one of these in the late 60’s. This is a Honda 305 Dream. His was red. He bought it from the Shriners. He would ride it to work. I remember riding on the back with him. I was probably around 10 years old.

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Albert Lea, MN – 7/12-7/26

This was our home in Crystal Springs RV Resort near Ellendale, MN. Very nice park with lots of space. We were here visiting Tori.
Rabbit nest just outside our door. They were a park hit! Everyone came by to see the bunnies. They left the nest a few days before we left.
A look down the park road from our RV.
A pond just south of the park.
Walking trail around the pond. Loved walking this trail. It’s about a mile long.

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